Mommin’ Ain’t Easy

“Friendship…is born at the moment when one person says to another: “What!  You too?  I thought I was the only one.” ~ C.S. Lewis

Bless the moms who always look fantastic and put together, who’s doting kids always appear to listen to their mother’s calm requests with a polite smile on their faces, and who’s children are grateful for every minor correction given by all-knowing parents, as if they know that their momma truly does know best.  Bless them.

Photo by Bridgett Shepherd

The perfect moment captured.

If you were to catch a glimpse of me on the right day, at exactly the right moment, when the wind is blowing just right, and the world (aka the two boys) seems in sync, you may think I am one of these unicorns.

However, let me assure you my friends that I am not.

On my best day I am like the mom equivalent of a mullet – perfectly manicured in the front, hair on fire in the back.

In my short two-and-a-half years as a mother, I have learned that in fact, there are no unicorns.  There is no perfect mother with perfectly behaved kids.  That perfectly put together mother with her well-behaved children I see at the grocery store, soccer practice, and at daycare pick up – she’s right there in the trenches too.  I just happened to catch her at just the right moment.  And you know what, that’s why when I see that mom, I give her a nod as if to say, “Sister, I know what it took to get here like that.  You go girl.”  Then my face likely reflects a tinge of longing as I thing, “Tell me your secret.”

Photo by Bridgett Shepherd

The behind-the-scenes captured

However, despite the craziness, the mom-buns, the dry-fit shirts (a new staple of my momiform here in Birmingham), and the suitcases under my eyes, I wouldn’t trade being a mom for all the perfect and/or quiet moments in the world.

But mommin’ ain’t easy.  It isn’t for the faint of heart.  That’s why we need friends.  We need friends who we can join with, share with, be in the trenches with, and laugh with.

I’ve always loved the above C.S. Lewis quote.  But, I treasure it as a mom.

Whether it is a co-worker, a fellow soccer mom, or your favorite blogger, there is nothing more reassuring or encouraging as a mom than when you hear or read something that makes you say, “What? You too?  I thought I was the only one!”

Birmingham_Contributor_BTNThere is strength in numbers ladies.

That’s why I am so thrilled and honored to join the fabulous team of ladies at the Birmingham Moms Blog as a contributor.

Check out the introduction post to read a little more about how we got to Birmingham, my career change, and what the true meaning is behind the saying, “it takes a village to raise a child.”

The posts will include some local flavor as the boys and I explore our new home here in the Magic City.  However, I hope to also relay those universal moments we all have as moms in the trenches – the ones that make us laugh, cry, and everything in between.   So be encouraged mama – no matter where you are, you are not the only one.


Pregnancy Favorites

“Pregnancy and birth knit womankind together.  Help weave a gorgeous thread to add to the fabric.  Be supportive.  Be kind.  Be wise.  Be open.” ~ Desirre Andrews

The saying goes that it takes a village to raise a child.  I’d back that up a bit.  It takes a village to go through pregnancy.

It did not long for me to realize that the best resources at my disposal as a newly minted first-time momma-to-be were not the books at my bedside which laid out (sometimes in horrifying detail) what was to come, but the ladies surrounding me who have gone before.

In fact,after seeing those two pink lines, one of the first lists I made consisted of women I had questions for.  These women have been my village.  And thank God for without them, I would be lost without a compass.

However, being pregnant has this weird way of converting you back to the days of your youth.  This has proven to be both a good and bad thing.

For example, the first couple weeks of being pregnant, all I wanted was mac and cheese.  This often sent my loving and patient husband to the grocery store when all I wanted was Annie’s.  Then he’d graciously make it for me and add (or hide if we want to be more accurate) the chicken so I got my protein in a way that didn’t make me gag.  When’s the last time someone had to hide your nutrition.  But this wasn’t so bad.

The weird and unnerving part is that once some people sense you’re pregnant, it’s as if all of the sudden years fall off of your age.  These people often see you not as “with child” so much as a child yourself.  They watch you, tell you how to act, what to eat, what not to eat, and what to do.  Most of which is unsolicited.  Think of them as the village’s door to door salespeople.  This is not what I mean when I say it takes a village.  However, it is your village that will  help you get through this unsolicited advice and assist you in separating the useful information from the noise.

With that being said, this list is not an end all be all “must-have” list.  This is simply a list of what I have found to be my favorites during pregnancy.  All women are different, which makes all pregnancies unique.  One of my first (and favorite) questions was, “what did you just have to have while you were pregnant?”  I found it fascinating what helped different women during pregnancy.  So from my village to your’s, here is a list of some of my favorite things.


From top to bottom, left to right:

  1. Water bottle.  I’m going to be honest.  I’ve never been a huge fan of water.  It’s always been a necessary evil.  I’m one of those weirdos that “doesn’t like the way water tastes.”  However, the strangest thing happened when I got pregnant – I started to CRAVE water.  This falls under the category of, “Isn’t the human body amazing.”  You see, it makes sense that I started craving water since staying hydrating is vital during pregnancy.  It helps your body not only absorb nutrients but also helps in the aid and transportation of these nutrients to your little one.  Water also helps stave off many of those unpleasant pregnancy symptoms including fatigue, headaches, swelling, and constipation.  That in and of itself should be enough of a reason. The Institute of Medicine suggests that during pregnancy, most women should try to drink 10 cups (2.3 liters) of water each day.  Having a big water bottle like this helped me do that, especially while at work.  Staying hydrated is also key if you continue to work out during pregnancy…which is a whole other post.
  2. Thick pair of maternity leggings.  Yes I bought maternity jeans, but these, these are my happy place.  Despite all of the cute maternity wear out there, while it may seem like an eternity, you are really only pregnant for a short time.  Instead of spending a lot of money on maternity clothes, I decided early on that all I really needed were good solid wardrobe staples.  I finally found these at Gap after ordering a couple other pairs that didn’t pass the test.  While a lot of maternity clothes may be bought online, leggings are something you just have to see in the store and try on.  However, if you must buy online, avoid any that include “light” or “lightweight” in the description. No one wants to be that person.
  3. Simple shirred tops.  On the topic of simple staples, I have about five different colors of this Gap top.  I found it to be so comfortable and easy to dress up for work during the week or wear with jeans on the weekend.  Plus the gathered sides made it the perfect fit throughout pregnancy.
  4. Contour kit.  Let’s face it, no matter how self-confident you are, at some point, you’re just going to start to feel well…pregnant.  Your body goes through so many changes, there were days that I would look in the mirror and just didn’t feel like myself.  I had been wanting to try a contour kit for awhile and figured this was the perfect time.  I ended up getting this one at Ulta, and I love it!  Overall it was a great beauty find but I really love it on those mornings where your cheekbones appear to be hiding.  It’s a great way to give your face the definition that that little one of your’s may be stealing for the time being.
  5. Vitamin water.  Luckily, the first trimester was not too wrought with sickness but nausea is one of the things I fought each morning as I got ready for work and each night on my drive home.  In my search to find a remedy, I read Chic Runner’s blog where she listed that Vitamin Water really helped with her nausea because it is packed with b-12.  It was perfect timing because this mama-t0-be was getting a little sick of ginger ale.  Plus, chugging ginger ale at 8 am is a dead giveaway that you’re pregnant.  I found that these really helped me.  I would have half of one in the morning and then the rest as I drove home and it really helped.
  6. Pregnancy pillow.  The Bump Nest, or Bumpy as we lovingly call it, has been a lifesaver.  Luckily, due to working out, sleeping hasn’t been an issue. However, sleeping on my side was proving to be problematic.  I got the Bump Nest early on (another Chic Runner rec) and found it perfect for support, keeping me on my side, and for keeping everything aligned, which helped keep away issues with my sciatic nerve and lower back pain.  As your pregnancy progresses, you can change the position to support either your back or bump.  And as an added bonus, both the pillow and cover are washable.  The Bump Nest is a bit more expensive but if you’re going to splurge, this is where to do it.  Now I just have to figure out how to justify keeping Bumpy in the bed once our little guys is here.
  7. Workout shirts.  As I mentioned above, I’ll have to do a separate post about working out during pregnancy because it has truly made all of the difference.  But for now, here’s the shirt I wore every day.  These shirts aren’t meant to be for maternity but the fabric, softness, breathability, and flexibility made them perfect for working out.  The description says they are “shape retentive.”  I’ll update you on that one!
  8. Palmers.  Stretch marks.  To be honest, I’m not sure if I’ll get away unscathed or not my the time this is all said and done.  But from the beginning, I have used Palmers.  This is not necessarily because I believe it will keep the stripes away, but a little moisture can’t hurt right?
  9. Cardigans.  Simple staples right?  I got three cardigans in different colors and have worn them nonstop.  These are perfect over the shirred tops mentioned above and over long maxi dresses.  Pair it with a chunky necklace for date night and you’re good to go.

What were some of your favorite things while you were pregnant?  Or onto what will be my next question – what are your favorite things post-baby?


When planning for Spain and the Camino de Santiago, I decided I wanted to devote time every day to read a devotion, reflect, and write. The benefits of just a couple moments of silence to think, create, and be still each day are numerous. However, it is the one thing that seems to slide down, or off, of my to-do list.

After some thought, I decided to take a much loved devotional from my days at the publishing house with me. I had never read it personally, but I knew how much it meant to so many people. I was also given a copy when I left to I to law school. Unfortunately, it has taken me over three years to pick it up.

This morning, we were still two hours away from Madrid, and I couldn’t sleep. So I decided to look at the devotion for the day. I have excerpted part of it below:

“STAY CALMLY CONSCIOUS OF ME today, no matter what. Remember that I go before you as well as with you into the day. Nothing takes Me by surprise. I will not allow circumstances to overwhelm you, so long as you look to Me. I will help you cope with whatever the moment presents.”

This is perfect for so many reasons. A new country and a trek like this can at times be overwhelming. So the meaning of these words are not lost on me there. However, it was something much deeper that made my heart twinge over the Atlantic Ocean this morning.

I have a post-it on my computer at work that reads: calmness is trust in action. It is something a good friend and co-worker once read to me. That quote and the devotion for today strike at the core of what I hope to learn and carry with me from this amazing trip.

Too often I get anxious and overwhelmed looking at the next thing instead of enjoying every moment, no matter what it brings, and trusting. I too quickly lose my focus. I miss the beauty right in front of me when I am concerned about the future.

As we shuffled off of the plane and we’re greeted by beautiful morning in Madrid, I decided that this trip, I am going to be calmly conscious. I’m going to soak it all in. No matter what each day brings I am going to trust and enjoy. And hopefully these habits will go with me back to the states.

Sunday Brunch Day

“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Fall TableThere is just something about Fall.  The crisp air, the colorful leaves, and the cooler temperatures seem to beckon you to come gather at the table.  The Fall table does not require formalities, she simply asks you to come as you are, and to come hungry.

When I was in law school and the Husband, then boyfriend, moved up here to Cincinnati, we started family dinners on Sunday nights.  It was a time to come together with family amidst all the craziness of the past week, relax together, and to reconnect.

With the Husband’s work schedule or studying often pulling him away on Sunday, we have gotten out of our little routine.  And I miss it.  This past Sunday though, schedules aligned and we brunched.

Now, I’m a breakfast person.  There is no mistaking that.  So I couldn’t wait to welcome everyone with a warm cup of coffee on a cool Sunday morning.  And let’s be honest, there’s no better way to watch football than with a warm and happy stomach.  So before the Steelers play, or if you side with the Ohio contingency of my family, the Bengals or Browns, it was time to come to the table.

pumpkinEveryone has their go-to for brunch.  Whether it’s a soufflé, your grandmother’s cinnamon rolls, or strata, there’s that one dish you pull out of your back pocket to please the morning crowd.  For years mine was a Rachel Ray casserole.  We made it the morning of my law school graduation so it only seemed fitting to make this past weekend to celebrate passing the Ohio Bar.  However, I decided to break out of the mold and break into my Better Homes and Gardens cookbook.

On the menu this past Sunday morning was the Farmer’s Casserole and Pumpkin Bread.  It only seems fitting.  They were delicious! So next time your family gathers, break out these little numbers and they will be sure to please.  This Pumpkin Bread would also be great as gifts.

Pumpkin Bread
From Better Homes and Gardens

Makes 2 loaves.  This can be made ahead of time, which is always key for brunch.  If making the night before, after the loaves are completely cool, wrap and store overnight.

– 3 cups sugar
– 1 cup vegetable oil
– 4 eggs
– 3 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
– 2 tsp. baking soda
– 1 ½ tsp. salt
– 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
– 1 tsp. ground nutmeg
–  2/3 cup water
–  1 15oz. can pumpkin

– Grease the bottom and sides of two loaf pans; set aside.
– In a very large mixing bowl beat sugar and oil with an electric mixer on medium speed.  Add eggs and beat well; set aside.
– In a large bowl combine flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
– Alternately add flour mixture and water to sugar mixture, beating on low speed after each addition just until combined.
– Beat in pumpkin.
– Spoon batter into prepared pans.
– Bake at 350 for 55-65 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted near the centers come out clean.
– Cool in pans on wire racks for 10 minutes.
– Remove from pans and then cool completely on the wire racks.

Farmer’s Casserole
Adapted from Better Homes and Gardens

This makes 6 big servings but I would suggest doubling the recipe because people will go back for seconds.  This can also be made ahead of time.  Cha-ching.  If making ahead, go through second step.  Cover, and chill up to 24 hours.  Then bake uncovered at 350 for 50-55 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.  Let stand for 5 minutes before serving.

– 3 cups frozen hash brown potatoes
– ¾ cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese, cheddar cheese, or a mixture
– 1 cup cooked, crumbled, turkey sausage (the recipe calls for diced cooked ham or bacon, but the turkey was great in it and a bit healthier)
– ¼ cup sliced green onions
– ¼ cup diced red pepper
– 4 beaten eggs
– 1 ½ cups milk
– 1/8 tsp. salt
– 1/8 tsp. black pepper

– Coat 2-quart square baking dish with non-stick cooking spray
– Arrange potatoes evenly in the bottom of the dish.
– Sprinkle potatoes with cheese, turkey, green onions, and red peppers.
– In a bowl, combine eggs, milk, salt, and pepper.
– Pour egg mixture over potato mixture.
– Bake, uncovered, at 350 for 40-45 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean.
– Let stand 5 minutes before serving.

What is your brunch go-to?

Cloudy with a chance of meat sauce

“There is no such thing as Italian ‘haute cuisine’ there are no high or low roads in Italian cooking.  All roads lead to the home, to ‘la cucina de casa’ – the only one that deserves to be called Italian cooking.” ~ Marcella Hazan

Grandma Rosemarie as a baby

Grandma Rosemarie as a baby

Some of my very fondest memories of my Grandma Rosemarie center around cooking.  While growing up and spending summers at the lake with Grandma and Grandad, the most important question of the day was always, “What’s for dinner?”  And it was usually asked at the breakfast table.

It was not that we particularly cared what we were eating, but it was that by figuring out what she was planning on making, we knew when to come up from the lake to help.  We did not want to miss a minute of it.

The house, and our family, revolved around the kitchen and the large gathering table my grandparents had built to accommodate their 5 boys and all of their grandchildren.  While Grandma cut tomatoes and basil for bruschetta, a gaggle of cousins brushed ciabatta bread with olive oil, Grandad would put on music, and one of the aunts would be arranging fresh flowers from Grandma’s garden to place on the table.

Despite all the hub-bub, Grandma was always patient.  Everyone had a job, and nothing was rushed.  While the pasta would cook, the smell of marinara sauce would float through the air and mingle with the laughs and conversations that filled the room.  This has always been the image I conjure up when I think of family.

Hazan-Essentials-of-ItalianI don’t remember seeing Grandma use many cookbooks.  However, Marcella Hazan’s Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking is one that I distinctly remember on her shelf.  This comes as no surprise as a wonderful piece in the New York Times last Sunday after Hazan’s death summed it this way, “Mrs. Hazan embraced simplicity, precision and balance in her cooking.”  This is what I remember about Grandma’s cooking.

My brother gave me my own this past Christmas.  With law school, moving, the bar exam, and starting a job, it was still in a box with all my other cookbooks.  However, after reading the NYT piece and seeing the weather here in Cincinnati called for rain, what better way to warm up an otherwise dreary Sunday than in the kitchen.

In Hazan’s own words, “Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking is meant to be used as a kitchen handbook, the basic manual for cooks of every level.”  I have been dying to make a good bolognese sauce from scratch for years, so I decided to make Hazan’s ragu, a dish she was known for.  I couldn’t help by smile as I was making the ingredient list and saw it called for nutmeg, a hint of which you could always taste in Grandma’s sauce.

Rosemarie as a baby with her older sister

Rosemarie as a baby with her older sister


From the very first recipe, I could already tell this book was going to be a staple in my kitchen.  Hazan’s recommendations throughout the book and effortless prose make me feel like I was right back in my Grandma’s kitchen.  Nothing is rushed, everything has a purpose, and you are always welcome.  As I read through Hazan’s pointers before the bolognese recipe, I almost felt as if my Grandma was right there beside me making sure everything turned out just right.

  • Make sure the meat is not from too lean of a cut.
  • Be sure to add salt immediately when sauteing the meat because this will extract the juices.
  • Cook, uncovered, at the merest simmer for a long, long time; no less than 3 hours is necessary; more is better.

To me, this last one is key.  It says, calm down, have a glass of wine, converse with family and friends, and do it right.  This recipe is perfect for a lazy Sunday.  A perfect dish to make for a family dinner or like I did, for a night in on a rainy Sunday with the Husband.   It is comfortable, warm, and welcoming.  Just like I remember Grandma Rosemarie.

photo-17Bolognese Meat Sauce
Originally from Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking, and  some ingredients adapted/multiplied by Leite’s Culinaria (a fabulously mouthwatering blog that you must read if you do not already)

– 2 Tbs. vegetable oil
– 6 Tbs. unsalted butter, plus 2 Tbs. for tossing the pasta
– 1 cup chopped onion
– 1 1/3 cup chopped celery
– 1 1/3 cup chopped carrots
– 1 1/2 pound ground chuck beef*
– Salt
– Black Pepper
– 2 cups whole milk
– 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
– 2 cups dry white wine (I used sauvignon blanc)
– 3 cups canned imported Italian tomatoes, crushed, with their juices
– pasta (I used cheese tortellini)

Put oil, butter, and onion into the pot over medium heat.
– Cook and stir the onion until it becomes translucent, and then add the celery and carrot.  Cook for about 2 minutes, stirring to make sure the vegetables are coated.
– Add the meat, a large pinch of salt, and pepper.  Break up the meat with a wooden spoon and cook until the beef has lost its red color.
– Add the milk and simmer gently, stirring frequently, until it has bubbled away completely.  About 1 hour.
– Add nutmeg and stir.
– Add the wine and let it simmer until it is evaporated.  About 1.25 hours.
– Add the tomatoes and stir to makes sure all the ingredients are coated well.  When the tomatoes begin to bubble, turn the heat down so that the sauce cooks  at the laziest of simmers, with just an intermittent bubble breaking through to the surface. (Honestly, Hazan’s words just make me hungry).
– Cook uncovered for 3 hours or more, stirring from time to time.
– If the sauce begins to dry out and the fat separates from the meat, add 1/2 cup of water whenever necessary to keep it from sticking.
– At the end, make sure that no water is left and the fat must separate from the sauce.
– Season to taste.
– Toss with cooked drained pasta, adding the remaining 2 Tbs. of butter.


*Hazan recommends a variation of the sauce that uses pork, an important part of Bologna’s culture and cuisine.  She recommends 1 part ground pork for every 2 parts beef.  David from Leite’s Culinaria did 1/2 pound each of ground chuck, ground pork, and ground veal.  This is key.

Don’t make the mistake I did.  I could not find ground pork at the grocery so I just went with ground beef (since I did not know the difference between ground beef and ground chuck).  Newbie mistake.  Next time I will either get chuck since it is fattier, more flavorful, and tastier.  Or, I’ll head down to the butcher.  Since you’re spending the time cooking it, make sure you get good meat.  It is the foundation.  And as the queen of Italian cooking says, “Flavor, in Italian dishes, builds up from the bottom…a foundation of flavor supports, lifts, points up the principal ingredients.”  Aka…get good meat.

All Dolled Up

“The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy.” ~ Yves Saint-Laurent

Alright.  So here’s the thing- I just recently figured out how to buy makeup.

This might sound ridiculous coming from a 20-err-something.  Ok, late something.  So I really have no excuse.  But it is the truth.  To be honest, I’ve always been a “buy your makeup where you buy your groceries” kind of girl.  True confession…I just got my first eye shadow a little under a year ago before me and the Husband got married.

It is not that I don’t like makeup.  I just never knew what to buy.  And on those rare occasions when I did purchase makeup from somewhere other than where I picked up my bananas for breakfast, I wouldn’t how to use it.  Then it just ends up in the drawer of death.   You know what I’m talking about.  That one drawer in your bathroom that is just a bottomless pit of unusable items, old mascara, stretched out hairbands and an ungodly amount of bobby pins.

But right before I started working after law school, I decided I really needed to figure this whole thing out.  I needed to figure out how to avoid that odd thing that happens around 2-2:30 everyday when you go into the bathroom, look at the mirror and think, “Sheesh, I don’t remember walking out of the house looking like THAT.”

Luckily, through a couple of trips to Ulta leading up my wedding last year, and an incredibly helpful woman there, I had gathered the perfect trifecta of makeup.

1. Laura Geller’s Waterproof Eye Spackle.
I’m an eye girl.  Give me a good moisturizer, a little bit of eyeliner, and mascara and I could take on the world.  The problem is keeping the eyeliner where you put it first thing in the morning.  This is my new secret weapon.  I originally bought it to be a primer on my eyelids for eye shadow, but once I saw how well it worked for that, I decided try it under my eyes to see if it could fix my eyeliner problem.  It worked perfectly.

This eye spackle is so easy to use.  It clicks like a pen, so it doesn’t make a mess.  They I use my ring finger to lightly dab (remember to be gentle around your eyes because of delicate skin) the spackle on my eyelids and right under my eyes.   Even though it is called spackle, it is so light you don’t even know it’s there. It applies smoothly and blends easily.  It holds the eyeshadow in place,  brightens up the eye area, and keeps your eyeliner put for the day.

While it was more expensive than what I usually spent on makeup ($23 at Ulta), a little bit goes a long way.  I started using it last October and just this summer had to buy a new one.  So it is well worth it!

2. Laura Geller Matte Maker.
Again, the main problem for me, and what prompted me to really look into expanding my makeup bag, was the problem with my makeup just not staying.  No one wants to be a hot mess by 2.

What the spackle is for eyes, this is for powders.  I originally got this for the wedding.  It was recommended to me by the woman who did my makeup when I asked if/how I should do touch-ups through the night.  She said this was all I needed.  And she was right.

I use it to set my makeup in the morning.  It is the second to last thing I put on, so I brush it on right before mascara.  It’s lightweight, invisible, and doesn’t create lines during the day.   It keeps your skin oil-free and give you a natural matte finish.

Once again, it is a bit more expensive ($24 at Ulta) but like the spackle, I got my powder almost a year ago and haven’t had to get any since.  Keeping my makeup looking as fresh at 5pm Happy Hour as it did right after I put it on in the morning makes it worth every penny.

theyre real3.  Benefit They’re Real Mascara.
Like I said, I’m an eye girl.  So it was only a matter of time until I decided to create a big girl makeup bag with a killer mascara.

Someone recommended I try this a couple months ago and I’m so glad I did.  I always thought all mascara was created equal but I have been so impressed with the dramatic results you can get with this product.  Plus, no eyelash curler is needed.  Great look + extra time in the morning = perfect.

BUT…here is my disclaimer.  It is a royal pain to get off.  I wash my face every night and the first night after using this mascara, I could not get it off.  The good news is though, on my next trip to the grocery store, I picked up some eye makeup remover wipes and the problem was solved.

So all that to say, try the They’re Real Mini ($10 at Ulta) before you commit.  First of all, because you may decide its not worth the hassle of removing it.  Second, because of the price.  Again, I was used to buying $6  mascara so before I paid $23 I wanted to make sure I liked it.

Why is it worth $23? It lengthens, adds volume, curls and defines your lashes, plus it goes on evenly.  I was honestly amazed at the effect.  The fact that you can just brush on two coats and be done with it makes it the perfect companion for lazy or crazy weekends/days where you don’t have the time to go all out.  Moisturizer, a little powder, They’re Real, and you’re out the door.



Happy Birthday Little Dictator

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole” ~ Roger Caras

Caesar, the little dictator, turns 4 today.  Or 28 in dog years, which is disconcerting because this now makes him the wisest oldest one in the house.  I’m assuming he’s known this for a long time and has just been waiting for this day when us humans would be forced to resign to the fact that Caesar knows best.

As he grows older, I often wonder if C$ is a little too smart for his own good.  I swear that every time I ask him to sit, stay, or lay down, the wheels in his little canine head start turning as he ponders, “if I do, what will I get out of this.”  However, if cheese, onion, peanut butter or salami is involved, his little butt is glued to the ground just waiting for a piece to come over his way. I’m not sure whether I’m more concerned about what this says about my eating habits or about his listening skills.  So if Caes was asked to impart some of his wisdom, now that he’s the eldest of the pack, I’m convinced he’d have this to say:

1.  Help out with homework, specifically, when your human is highlighting for law school.  The best thing to do is try to take the highlighter out of their hands and run with them.

2.  Fetch is much more fun if you have the humans throw it and then you just look at them so they go get the ball.  So much less work when they bring it back for you.

3.  The Dog Whisperer is the best show ever.  When its on, drop everything else to watch and listen.  It’s like dog yoga…calm submissive state.

4.  When running your human, keep them on their toes. And above all, if you see a squirrel, chase it.

5.  Take over the couch, humans like that.

6.  Take over the bed, they like that even more.

7.  Eat the same thing everyday.  No surprises.

8.  Don’t wear clothes, and don’t ever wear halloween costumes. A simple yet stylish collar will do just fine.

9.  Only listen enough to let the humans believe they call the shots.

10.  Eat more peanut butter, it’s good for your health.

Happy Birthday Monkey.

Engagement Pictures YEAH!

“Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, but eventually you find a hair stylist you like.”  ~Author Unknown

I’ve made a huge mistake.

I’ve never been one to cry in my room after a bad haircut, or a bad color. Hair is hair.  It will grow back.  Don’t like the color, eh, you can live with it for 8 weeks.  And truth be told, I’ve never really had a BAD experience.  Well…except when I was in the 4th grade and Dad took me to get my haircut.  It was basically a bowl cut, and it wasn’t pretty.  But even then I didn’t cry, although I’m pretty sure my mom did.

Well, wouldn’t you know it, 4 days before our engagement pictures in Nashville with the beautiful and talented Kristine Neeley, I got my first bad color.  Normally, this wouldn’t bother me.  Like I said, hair is hair.  But, I’m a little nervous that people will look at the engagement pictures and say, “Well that’s odd, who is that girl The Boy is dating?”

It all started out so innocently, and with a conversation I’m sure many other women (and possibly men) have around this time of year.  There you are, sitting in the chair, wearing that ridiculous smock that reminds you of the bibs you had when you were a toddler, and the stylist asks, “So what are we doing today?”  And that’s where it gets tricky.  “Well,” you say.  “I think I’d like to go a little darker.”  It’s fall right, time to trade in the beachy blonde for a warm chocolate brown.

Maybe it is the moving around a lot, because you can’t really get used to having one person doing your hair, but I’ve learned to just trust the stylist.  I’ll normally say a little bit about what I’d like and then just let them work their magic.  However, this time, being that it was a couple days before the engagement session, I wanted to be extra careful.  I brought a picture.  And not a celebrity picture, you know the kind, when someone brings in a picture of Jennifer Aniston or Rhianna if you’re bold, and wants their hair to look just like theirs.  It was a picture of me, from when I really loved how my hair was done.

One thing you learn in law school is to be to the point, short, concise and say no more than you need too.  That just confuses people.  But even with my short and sweet request, complete with Exhibit A, there must have been a miscommunication.

I gave her:

Exhibit A

And after being cut, colored, and washed…I came out looking like this:

Without the tan of course...

We’re talking jet black hair people.  And as much as I like Jersey Shore…didn’t really plan on fist pumping in our engagement photos.  Maybe God is punishing me for watching the Jersey Shore.  That makes more sense, I deserve it 😉

While I didn’t cry when I left, I may or may not have had a minor freakout in the car after I kept catching glimpses of myself in the rearview. Suddenly I found myself wondering what outfit would go best with an Ed Hardy hat. The color must have been slowly seeping into my head.

So friends, the bad news is…I have jet black hair that will not be toned down no matter how many time I scrub and shampoo it.

Good news is…My hair has never been cleaner, and I’m considering talking with The Boy to see if we can do a Jersey Shore theme for our photos.  Plus, now you all can expect to see the Jersey Turnpike at the reception.

Happy Friday and fist pumps all around.

Love, your blast in a glass.

An Unexpected Visitor, Mace, and an Engagement Ring

“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”  ~Nora Ephron, When Harry Met Sally

Why, Hello Fiance

Just a typical Thursday night in July, I had come home from my summer clerkship, gone on a run with the pup, and made some dinner.  I was at court with one of the attorneys that day so I couldn’t wait to kick off my heels, and just relax.

I was planning to go to Nashville the next day after work, so I took the suitcase out of the closet and began the familiar routine of getting everything together.  After all the weekend trips, and the miles traveled, I could practically pack in my sleep.  But, as I was packing, I couldn’t help but get excited that  this would be one of the last times I’d make this trip before The Boy moved up to Cincy.

I just finished packing when one of my dearest friends from law school called saying she wanted to get together.  She had been in Africa all summer for her internship, and I could not wait to see her!  I hung up the phone and decided that I should probably pull myself together and get out of my old high school basketball shorts and my favorite t-shirt.  I knew she’d thank me 🙂

While I was getting ready, The Boy texted me and said he was finishing up dinner with his Dad (who was in Nashville for the week) and would call me in a bit.  I set the phone down and noticed that Caesar the Wonder Dog wasn’t sitting outside of the bathroom like he normally does when I get ready.  I looked around the apartment to make sure he wasn’t getting into trouble, and found him sitting right in front of the door with his head cocked to one side.  What a strange little dog.

I went back and continued getting ready, and was trying to figure out what to wear when I heard Caesar start barking.  At this point it was about 9pm, I wasn’t expecting anyone,  so I just assumed he was barking at the neighbors that had just moved in across the hall. I didn’t think much of it and went to find something to wear.  But then I heard a knock at my door…

OK, so again, it’s around 9pm.  I wasn’t expecting anyone and now I was a little unsure of what was going on.  I went to my room, and grabbed my phone and my keys (with my pepper spray compliments of The Boy’s Dad, since I go to school in downtown Cincy).  Looking back, I’m not real sure why it didn’t cross my mind to just not open the door if I didn’t know the person.  Instead I guess I was planning on opening it and macing them?!

Yes, I'm marrying him even though he's a Bengals fan. We all have flaws 😉

I went to the door and looked to see who it was.  Through the peep hole, I saw The Boy.  Wait…what?!?  I could not figure out why he was here.  I was going to Nashville the next day. He just texted me saying he was in Nashville with his dad…

Needless to say, I was at this point thoroughly confused, and I’m pretty sure I blacked out for a bit, ha. I slowly opened the door, paying no attention to the fact that I had just released the wild beast who was now jumping all over The Boy because he was so excited to see him.

“What are you doing here?!” I asked, still in my basketball shorts and ratty T-shirt.

He then got down on one knee, as he was trying to palm Caesar to keep him out of the way, and asked me to marry him.  Cue second blackout of the night.

I started smiling, and laughing excitedly and The Boy said that I asked, “Are you serious?!” about 4 or 5 times.  HA. I’m a little slow on the pick up some times apparently 🙂

And I of course said yes!

I gave him a huge hug, and could not stop smiling.  I couldn’t believe it.  I was completely surprised!  He’s way too good at surprises.  If I had to propose, I wouldn’t have been able to keep my  big mouth shut.

I finally put my keys and phone down (he had no idea I was about to mace him, ha), and looked at him and said, “But I’m all packed for Nashville.”

“Jack, we can go to Nashville this weekend if you want,” he said.  Which made us both start laughing.

I started asking questions about when he knew, how he planned it, etc. and then it dawned on me I hadn’t even looked at the ring?!

When I asked if I could see the ring, he laughed and said, “Of course you can, it’s yours you know.”

Come to find out, he had known for awhile that he wanted to ask me to marry him but waited to ask until he could go to Atlanta to ask my parents, and had gotten the ring, all without me knowing a single thing.  It meant so much to me that he took the time to talk with my parents and the ring was absolutely gorgeous.  I mean, I would’ve married him if he gave me a paperclip people, but The Boy does good work.  And it is so special since he picked it out.  Boy’s got taste.  He’s a keeper.

I texted my friend, who was at this point probably wondering what had happened to me, and we headed to meet her.  I ran into the place she was at where he boyfriend (now fiance) told me she had just gone to the bathroom.  I ran in, and The Boy still makes fun of me for the girlish shrieks he heard from the bathroom when we both saw each other.  He said everyone in the place turned to look in our direction.  Ha.

I lived out of my suitcase that weekend, but I didn’t mind one bit.

In the months since, The Boy has moved up to Cincy, we’ve both started school, and tried to work on wedding planning in between.  We’re still figuring out catering, the honeymoon destination and colors, but I do know that one year from today, I get to marry my best friend. October 13, 2012 can’t come soon enough.

Don’t be a Stranger

Photo from We Heart It

As anyone in law school knows, and anyone who is thinking about law school will find out, fall of your 2L year feels like a tornado. A cyclone of class, interviews, applications, and job hunting. We are merely two days away from fall break and I already feel like I have a full semester behind me.

In the midst of this storm, you are preparing for interviews, updating your resume and combing your writing samples for mistakes. You get to know your resume like the back of your hand, and are ready to answer any question that might come your way. Let’s just put it this way…you definitely want to be candid, but you don’t want to be surprised in an interview.

This is why it was odd that while I was going through the interview process this fall, I suddenly found myself going off script.

I was sitting in an interview one Friday afternoon when I was asked about my previous summer experience. Softball right. OK. I told them about my writing, about going to court with the attorneys, and the special projects I was a part of. But then, I was asked, “What was the most important thing you learned from that experience.”

Before I could think about it, I said, “How to see people.” Immediately, in my head, I panicked. What was I saying?! How to see people, come on. That’s not a concrete answer. They are probably wondering what’s wrong with me. Not surprisingly, I was asked to explain.

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