Are Your Goals Suffering From Seasonal Confusion Disorder (SCD)?

“We are always “in progress.”‘ ~ Lara Casey

I am someone who likes order. I like predictability. So you can imagine my confusion recently when it was almost 70 degrees . . . in January.

flowerNotice I said confusion, and not sadness.

While it was nothing like I’ve been used to, as a recent Birmingham transplant from the North Country, I loved that I could be outside playing with the boys in the middle of January. I may have even sent a few pictures of us outside to our friends back in Ohio, who, just this past weekend, got dumped on by snow. I know, I shouldn’t have. But these are the same people who also saw pictures of me sweating it out here during our first Southern summer. Honestly, I think these nice days in the middle of January are nature’s way of saying thank you to those of us down here in the South for dealing with her hot flashes in the summer . . . and fall.

Since moving to Birmingham in June, I’ve learned that the South, at times, suffers from Seasonal Confusion Disorder (SCD).

While we’re on the topic of SCD, did you know your goals could suffer from the same ailment? I didn’t either, until I met Lara Casey.

Now looking back, I realize SCD was a silent killer of my goals for so many years. I would set these lofty goals without taking into account the season of life I was in.  What has transformed my view on goal setting this year was realizing that my goals need to match my season.

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How are you progressing on your goals?  Feeling burnt out?  Overwhelmed?  If so, these may be signs of SCD.  But there is a cure.  For more on the importance of assessing the season your in, refreshing your goals, and matching your goals to your season, check out my latest post on the Birmingham Moms Blog.


“If you gettin off track and you wanna get back
It may take a lot of work won’t break your back
If you wanna revolution the only solution
Evolve, gotta evolve”

~Evolve, Kevin Quinn

It is now February 20.

This is significant because now, I can tell you that I am running again without fearing   the pressure of a New Year’s resolution and its ultimate demise.

Since law school, running and I have had an on and off again love hate relationship.  This was most likely my fault because more often than not, I simply neglected it.   Then on those warm spring mornings or cool fall nights when I would feel a pang of guilt and try to reunite, it would lash out like a scorned lover, leaving me scarred for days.

But no matter how much it hurt, I missed it.  I just didn’t know how to win it back, quite frankly I didn’t think I had the time to win it back.  So, instead of committing, I played the field.

Then over Christmas break, a friend texted me and asked how I felt about being part of a Flying Pig marathon relay team.  There are 4 legs and each person runs anywhere from 5-7 miles each, totaling 26.2.  At first I was hesitant since last time I trained to run 26.2 at the Flying Pig my plans were disastrously derailed, but then I thought, “this might be exactly what my relationship with running needs.”  “Yes,” I texted back. “Count me in.”

Over break, I knew that when I got back to school I wanted to make running a priority.  Not only would it be a good time to start with a wedding coming up in the new year, but I missed being in shape.  But like before, I was hesitant, not sure if I could keep my promise.  This was just the push I needed.

The relationship is still young, but I think this time it’s going to stick.  The difference…people to run with.  Anyone who runs knows the hardest part of doing it is getting your shoes on and heading out the door.  Or heading to the gym after a long day of class.  The good news is that my teammates are law students as well, same busy schedule, same list of excuses, but this time, I’m not letting it get in the way.  They’re not, so why should I. I love that after a busy day, instead of going home to bury myself in books, I run.  And I can’t tell you what a difference it makes.  I didn’t run because I didn’t think I had the time, but running has made me so much more productive.  Who would’ve thought 😉

The other fun thing about this race is that 1) it will be my first run in Cincinnati, and 2) I’m going to actually try to race it.  Since getting back into running, I’ve always trained to simply finish and run farther than I had before.  But this time, instead of my goal being to just make it to the finish line, I want to really see what these legs of mine can do.  I want to break my time goal, not a distance goal this time.  And even that change of pace and change of focus is invigorating.

I’m starting slowly, building my base, and trying to follow my own advice when it comes to adding in cross training and yoga.  And in the meantime, I am falling in love with running again.  I love the point in your run when you suddenly fall into your stride, I love the refuge running brings, the time to think and even relax as your legs carry you.  And this time, I love the camaraderie, pulling each other along for just a few more minutes than we thought we could go, and I love the change of pace.

I missed running and being in shape, but somehow forgot that the only way to change that is to just get out there.  Instead of complaining that I didn’t have the time, I just had to make it.  We make time for the things we really care about right? I’m so glad I made time for this, I’m so thankful for the friends to do it with, and the goal to beat.

Oh and for the new running playlist.  It’s hard to beat a good running playlist.  And Jay-Z.  Can’t beat Jay-Z.

Go Ahead and Judge…I would

“Open confession is good for the soul.” ~Scottish Proverb

If it is as Miss Chatterbox says, and imitation is the greatest form of flattery, well ladies…consider yourself flattered.

These two insanely funny ladies have thrown caution to the wind and have in one of their first (but I am confident not the last) bold moves of 2011, bared it all and shared their 11 confessions of 2011.  I was intrigued.  And on a day that I was really excited to share some great news with you only to find out it has to wait…well, perfect time to confess right.

Alright, here we go.

1. I am a repeat offender apartment eavesdropper. Sorry but I am.  If you are loud, I’m going to hear it and probably take sides.  Recently the neighbor beside me and his girlfriend have been fighting about law school.  He never spends time with her apparently.  Poor thing.  Oh wait.  He’s in law school!  Oh, I see.  Side switched.  I am considering going down there and practicing my meditating skills. But until then I’ll just judge to myself behind the wall.

2. I may have gone outside to build a snow man by myself. Oh fine, this is confessions right.  I DID go outside with my trusty dog Caesar and build a snowman by myself.  I’m not used to the snow so I got excited.  Caesar loved it too.  And in the interest of full disclosure, there may have been a snow angel. FINE. There was a snow angel.

3. I will still eat Taco Bell, “beef filling” or “taco meat filling.” Amanda Obney, on behalf of all those similarly situated in the general public, is bringing a class action suit against Taco Bell for fraud and for falsely advertising their “meat” filling.  We were reading this complaint yesterday before class and all I kept thinking was 1.) who REALLY thought that was legit meat in there? Come on. And 2.) I am craving Taco Bell.  Call it what you will but I like it and have since been craving it.

4. I watch the Bachelor. Ugh, I know.  I.just.can’t.stop.

5. I may have to spray tan this year. I know.  How vain.  I know, I know. But here’s the deal…Remember this little thing called Barrister’s Ball.  Well it is cocktail dress attire which means little black dress.  This also means, shockingly white legs.  It has to be done.

6. I make a character judgment about you if you read the last page of the book first.

7. I cannot watch a TV series on TV. I just don’t have the patience for it I guess.  When we watched 24 in college.  We got the DVD’s, enough food for a weekend and sat there for the whole weekend going straight through each time we got a new season.  Office, same thing.  It’s like I can’t hear the credit music without immediately hearing the opening music.  It’s like Pavlov’s dog.  I hear closing credits and immediately hit next.  It’s a problem.

8. Caesar has a new pair of shoes. I hate clothes on dogs.  I don’t understand it at all.  Who does that to a dog.  You know the dog doesn’t like it.  When Caesar and I walk in the morning you can see it in their eyes.  Caesar even gets uncomfortable.  But here’s the deal, my poor little guy was messing up his feet on walks since it’s been so dang cold out.  So we’re going to try it.  Booties.  That’s what they are called.  It hurts my heart to do it.  Trust me Caesar, this is going to hurt me way more than it’s going to hurt you.

9. I am a Southerner. This is big for me people.  Born in raised in Pittsburgh, when my family moved us to Atlanta, I NEVER thought I’d consider myself a Southerner and align myself with “y’all” sayers and Coke drinkers even though it’s truly Sprite. And although I still don’t say y’all, I’m still a Pepsi girl and I still love my hometown, now that I’m away from Nashville and Atlanta, I miss it. Not that I’m going to start flying  a flag out of the back of my truck or anything, but I am starting to see different aspects of the South that I’ve brought up with me for law school and I love that.  Yes Sweet Tea counts. I am a huge proponent of being proud of what and where made you who you are.  For me, it will always be Pittsburgh and now the South.  I love it and miss it terribly.

10. I lie when I tell people where I live. I know, I know, after #9 this may not make sense but this is a slow process for me people.  You can’t expect to throw me into Kentucky and own up to it right away.  Plus, it’s so close to the river so The Boy, who is from the fine city of Cincinnati (look how far I’ve come) has given me his blessing to say, “The greater Cincinnati area.”  Seriously though, who am I kidding?  It’s Kentucky.  My car bears the evidence.

11. I no longer look like a 12-year-old. I went to go get 10+ inches cut off of my mane right before Christmas and the hairdresser looked at me in the mirror after it was done and said, “I really like this on you. You don’t look like a 12-year-old anymore.” To which I then took my Hello Kitty purse and stormed out of the door to call my friends on my pink cell phone.  Or I just said thank you 😉  I like the Hello Kitty story better.

What is one of your 2011 confessions?

This New Year’s Present

“Yesterday is history.  Tomorrow is a mystery.  And today?  Today is a gift.  That’s why we call it the present.”  ~Babatunde Olatunji

Photo from We Heart It.

I have learned a lot this past semester.  Not just about torts or civil procedure but more importantly and in my eyes, more beneficial, I’ve learned about who I am.    It’s all seemed to hit me this winter break.  Maybe it’s because my mind has room in it for things other than case names and briefs, or the spare time and extra sleep, or maybe it’s the fact that I’m reading and writing again. But regardless of the reason, this break has been full of learning in its own right.

Apparently I was slow on the pick up for one of these life lessons until it came along and slapped me in the face while catching up on my google reader.  For the life of me I don’t know why I can’t ease into these things.

These three lovely ladies could not have said it better.  The other night when I read these words I  realized what I had been doing all semester and had yet to put a finger on.

For the past year and a half, I have been living in the future instead of truly enjoying and embracing the today, which for a goal driven gal shouldn’t be that surprising. However, it was realizing what that was doing to me and those around me that really stopped me in my tracks.

First it was looking forward to being done with the LSAT, then it was getting accepted into the school of my choice, then it was moving, then getting through the semester and conquering finals.  I have been so ahead of myself.  Goals and dreams are a wonderful thing, something I will always have but I can’t let it be a blinder to the present.  I have been living with the “hurry up and wait” attitude.  Hurrying through law school so I can take the bar, get a job and become an attorney.  Hurrying through the moving from year to year to a different place and time in another state with distance between me and those I love so I can be in the same state as my best friend, be back in the city I love, stay in one place for while, be with friends again, and so many more.

That ends today.

This semester and this year, I want to really focus on the present each day brings.  I have no idea what is in store for this year but I have resolved to enjoy and live every single minute of it.  I can’t control what happens but I can control who I am and who I become and in the words of Dawn Joy, one of the lovely ladies mentioned above, “I want to see today.  I want to see all the beauties of the here and now.”  I want to see the beauty in the in between.

I’m going to stop seeing life as a finish line.  I’m going to enjoy the journey and the path along the way because from what I’ve been thinking, and what I’ve learned, that’s what you remember about races, not so much the finish line but the people, the triumphs and the struggles along the way.

I’m going to enjoy how distance strengthens relationships, shows us new things about the people we love, its late night phone calls and weekends that can’t be beat.  I am not going to let busyness get in the way of keeping up with friends and family who are far away but find that sweet spot amidst the craziness to stay connected to those I miss.  I’m  going to learn my new city and find places to call my own.  I’m going to open myself up, meet new people and build relationships with those I am around.  I’m going to every day be thankful for the beautiful life I have today instead of constantly looking forward to the dreams of tomorrow.

I’m going to embrace and enjoy every step of 2011.